Sanger FAQ

About Sanger sequencing 


How can the Sequencing and Bioinformatics Consortium help me with Sanger sequencing?

We provide automated DNA sequencing using Applied Biosystems 3730XL instrumentation and chemistries.  This instrument is the gold standard for high-throughput genetic analysis, allowing up to 96 samples to be sequenced in a single run.   


What do I need to know about submitting samples?


How do I know that my samples have been handled appropriately, the sequencing process worked, and that the data I received is from my sample?


How do I assess the quality of my sequence?


My results aren’t what I expected, can you help me understand what went wrong? 


Resequencing Policy



Choi, J. S., Kim, J. S., Joe, C. O., Kim, S., Ha, K. S., & Park, Y. M. 1999. Improved cycle sequencing of GC-rich DNA template. 1999. Experimental Molecular Medicine, 31, 31(1) 20-24. DOI: 10.1038/emm.1999.3

Ewing, B., & Green, P. 1998. Base-Calling of Automated Sequencer Traces Using Phred II Error Probabilities. Genome Research, 8, 186-194. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. ISSN 1054-9803-98

Shapter, F. M., & Waters, D. L. 2014. Genome Walking. Methods Molecular Biology, 1099, 133-146. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-62703-715-0_12.

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